Sunday, March 29, 2009

proton - relative charges +1 ,relative masses 1
neutron - relative charges 0 ,relative masses 1
electron - relative charges -1 ,relative masses 1/1840

An atomic orbital is a region of space round the nucleus in which the probility of finding a particular electrons is the greatest.
Four types if orbital-s,p,d and f

A sub-shell is a group of orbitals with the same energy level, but differ in their orientation in space. okay.this is the part i cannot understnad. Like what energy level and patterns.
And like need to fill the arrows in the boxes.i really very confused.
But i think i will try to understand, i just bought chemistry study i will read through the book first.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


My choosen career is architect,sounds abit weird for girls who want to be an architect
Let me say why i wanted to be architect.It is a story linked to long time ago.
When i was small, i wanted to be musician, but when i like going to know things more, i felf that this is not suitable for me and not really realistic.
At same time,i realize that i more interested in design , then i want to be hair stylist .But my parents doesn't like it. So i want to be interior designer.
Then my aunt married , her husband ,my uncle is architect.He have his own company, and i looked buildings that designed by him.
Finally,no more changes , i want to be an architect! HAha, in future my uncle maybe can help too. I like to look all the building design and structures.

An architect is trained and licenced in planning and designing buildings, and participates in supervising the construction of a building. Etymologically, architect derives from the Latin architectus, itself derived from the Greek arkhitekton (arkhi, chief + tekton, builder), i.e. chief builder. A looser usage of Architect is: the translator of the building user's requirements of and from a building into an inhabitable environment. Moreover, the words architect and architecture are used in the disciplines of engineering, e.g computer software architect; however, in some of the world's jurisdictions, the professional and commercial uses of these etymologic variants, are legally protected from such loose denotations.
Professionally, an architect's decisions affect public safety, thus must undergo specialized training and education, and a practicum for practical experience in order to qualify for and earn a licence to practice architecture; the practical, technical, and academic requirements for being a licenced architect vary.

★all diplomas
★architecture only have in NUS,requirements pass in Chemistry or Mathematics or Physics or Physical Science.(a-level)
★lawyer , doctor and architecture need to interview before you can go in NUS study.
★need to consider alot ,like safety and the design attract people's attention?
need to be patient
★good in drawing
★alot of brain work
★need to spend alot of time on one case
★first one year may work under a company , like help out.then will slowly have your own building drawing.

my first step is to get good reslut for all my H2 subjects.
Although they said that is passing ,but its only basic!i still need to fight with others. I dunt know what is the english minimum requirement???i really have hard time on my english.
i had think want to go singapore poly to study architect but i unable. so i gave up to go poly to achieve my dream ,although is all diplomas. But NUS sure will consider people take A-level certificate,follow by architecture diplomas holder ,lastly then other diplomas....the chances is so little.
Anyway only hard working people can acheive what they wanted.
so i going to be hard working ?! ya, going to study for chemistry test on monday.
It's because of angklung training for SYF for weekdays, now then i study....
Hope i can do well on monday=)

Weakness & Strength

i think im not good in memorize all the reactions ,like reactants and produnts and the name(type) of the reaction.
i really cannot do well for oxidising agents and reducing agents.

calculation??i think so . And balancing equation....haha

End point VS Equivalence point

The end point is a mark of termination or completion,the conclusion of a chemical reaction, particularly for titration.

The equivalence point, of a chemical reaction occurs during a chemical titration when the amount of titrant added is equivalent, or equal, to the amount of analyte present in the sample. In some cases there are multiple equivalence points which are multiples of the first equivalent

Monday, March 2, 2009

Atoms,Moles and Stoichiometry-reflection

Today read through the notes (Atoms,Moles and Stoichiometry)
i felt that it similar to physics!!!!
like basic quantities ,derived quantities and prefixes.
And different countries have different systems of units.I thought only chinese have their own unit of mass ,but after i read through the notes , found out that malay ,indian ,japanese ...have their own units too.
In chemistry, UNITS very important too!so we need to memorize all the units properly also.

I am very happy because i finally can determine the number of significant figures in number.
Maybe Ms Jee knew that alot of people cannot understand it well.= =